Leaders Conference (AC UK)
- 30 Mar – 1 Apr 2022
- Worship, Word & Fellowship
- Leaders from UK, Italy, Russia, Romania, etc
- Ps GJ Song attended (CIC & NIC)

Good Friday Service
- 15 April 11:00
- Service, Communion & Fellowship

Easter Celebration
- Sun 17 April 11:00
- Service, Lunch & Fellowship

Baptismal Service (23rd)
- Sun 1 May 11:00
- Speaker: Ps Roy Lewis
- Anna (Japan), Lucian (Romania) & Paul (Hong Kong) gave their testimonies and were baptised by Ps GJ Song
- Lunch & Fellowship

Joint Jubilee Celebration
- Sun 5 July 16:00 at NIC
- Songs, Word, Buffet & Fellowship
- Word by Ps Haydn Roberts – ‘The secret of Queen’s 70 year success is prayer’

Mission Trip to England (Oakwook Church in Taunton)
- 2 & 3 July
- International Cultural Event & Sunday Service (Team participated & Ps GJ Song preached)
- A blessed time together with many nationalities

CIC 14th Anniversary Celebration
- Sun 17 July 11:00
- Thanksgiving service for the Lord’s faithfulness and 22 members from 22 nations cut the cake
- Worship and fellowship with lunch

Summer Holiday Club at NIC
- 29-31 July (Joint: CIC & NIC)
- Games, art & craft, songs, cake decoration, storytelling, etc

Christmas Service & Dinner
- Sun 25 Dec 11:00
- A joyful time together, celebrating the birth of Jesus who came to save us from our sins